Kitty Poo Club Review: are you wondering if it is a good idea to subscribe to the Kitty Poo Club program? You are in the right place; this article is going to answer all the questions for you.
Kitty Poo Club is a subscription program created by 2 cats owners, they had to solve their own cat’s litter problems, and they came up with a disposable litter box and great quality litter for their cats. Since then, Kitty Poo Club has become a program for cat owners to subscribe and get litter and litter boxes on their doorsteps every month. The litter box is disposable and trouble-free, while the litter is high quality and can come in different types.
Let’s see what this program includes.

If there is one unpleasant duty as a cat owner, it is when we have to clean the litter box. At least for me, it is very unpleasant. I love my cats very much, but sometimes their poo is a masterpiece of a smelly substance. Cats can create a mess around their litter boxes.
I would say that the program that Kitty Poo Club came up with is brilliant for those who want to make litter box cleaning less traumatic. It is effortless to explain what they do; they have a disposable litter box that comes to your house every month. You can get a filled litter box or an empty one. You can also choose between 3 types of high-quality litter for your cats.
The litter box is folded. You can open it with ease and place it in the house; the litter inside normally lasts 1 month.
The box is nice looking and quite big so that a cat can move inside with ease. The nice box design can make the litter box a less shameful item, and one could be considering placing it more in view than rather hide it.
I will explain in-depth all the types of litter you can choose, pricing, and litter box. First, I will tell you the 5 things I love the most about this program.
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As I mentioned, I am not a fan of changing and cleaning litter; therefore, when I heard that I could get a litter box filled with litter every month and dispose of the old one with one move, I jumped on it. Besides the fact that I did not have to clean the smelly litter box anymore, I found other things I really loved about the subscription program.
Here are the 5 things I love about Kitty Poo Club:
I had the normal run of the mill litter boxes I found at the store. For a reason or another, my cats like to throw the litter on the floor each time they go to the bathroom. I got a bigger litter box. It has improved but not that much. Kitty Poo Club’s litter boxes have very high walls on 3 sides. Since the box is also bigger, my cats like it; they feel more comfortable and protected. I resolved the situation of litter everywhere with this subscription.
The litter is real quality; they have silica, soy, and fine grain. I am explaining the difference below. These litter types are high-quality, good for the cats. It is odors-free (besides lowering the smell of the litter) and lasts longer.
The litter box looks great and colorful. I hardly saw any litter box that would be cheap and at the same time good looking. There are litter boxes around that can integrate with the house furniture, but not that cheap. They managed to make the litter box experience a litter funnier for humans too. It is not a secret that cats love boxes, so the way the litter box is structured makes a fun experience for cats.
Here is my top favorite one, the time-saving opportunity. I do not have to spend time every week washing, cleaning, and smell. It takes really a few minutes for all the operation to get done. When one is working and has a packed schedule, those little things can make the difference. In my case does make the difference.
My cats like the boxes. They seem to enjoy a little more time in the bathroom. This is, of course, another important factor. In fact, you can mount an extra layer on top of the box to make it look more protected with inside borders. If you put a mat in front of the main opening, you can contain the spread of litter around the house.

Those are my top 5 favorite things. This Kitty Poo Club Review can’t be completed without a detailed explanation of the type of litter you can get.
Let’s see what types of litter Kitty Poo Club can include in any subscription plan. Each litter is already high quality, but I wanted to spend a few words describing each type of litter’s qualities.
- FINE GRAIN SILICA LITTER: this is a type of high-quality litter, but with fine grains, meaning the litter grain are smaller. It can be better for some cat’s paws. This particular pack is composed of silica fine grain. Silica has some qualities like highly absorbent, can be reused over a period of one month, and trackless and dust-free.
- SILICA LITTER: grains seem to be bigger; the qualities of silica are the same as above. I can add that silica absorbs odors as well, as it wasn’t mentioned above.
- ORGANIC SOY: natural litter made of soy. It is clumping, retain odors—a clean type of litter for any cat. It is almost 100% dust-free with little to no signs of tracking and is soft to the touch, making them perfect for felines with sensitive paws
Those are the types of litters you can get in your subscriptions, they are not the cheapest type, since they have to last for a month.
Some cats may be bigger and may use the litter box a bit more. You would know your cat habits and get an extra litter bag if it is the case. Kitty Poo Club litter bags have been tested to fit the use of a normal size cat.
If your cat has sensible paws and doesn’t like to walk on the normal silica litter, try the fine-grain silica. He may like it much better and be more comfortable using it.
Even if advertised, you should also know that silica litter can last for one month, but normally after 2 or 3 weeks is not nice looking anymore. Cat urine made it look yellowish and starts to emanate odors. I use to change it earlier than recommended because I wouldn’t say I like dirt overall. Still, it goes beyond normal clumping litter life expectancy, and in the long run, it is more economical to use silica.
In this Kitty Poo Club Review, I want to mention the effects on our planet of using one type of litter instead of another. Let’s spend a few words on the environmental impact of disposing of cat litter. Clumping litter and silica litter have the most negative impact on the environment.
Both are not biodegradable. The litter type that has the best impact on nature is the biodegradable one. We have to look for the type of litter that is natural, coming from plants mainly.
They can be made from grasses, walnut shells, pine, corn, wheat, and paper. In this case, if you want such type of litter, you can look into Kitty Poo Club Soy litter.
Kitty Poo Club is mainly is a subscription program for litter and litter boxes; however, they offer a few items to complement your litter box equipment, like scoops and mats. You may want to contain the litter from spreading around the house. Therefore they have high-quality mats to offer.

They also have toys, bundles, and treats, should you want to treat your cat here and there through the year. Aside from those few things, they are pretty much about cat litters and cat litter boxes.
They have great customer service in case something is needed. My experience is that they are replying very fast. There you have it.
What is the pricing for a Kitty Poo Club subscription? For $21.99, you will get one month’s worth of litter and the litter box. Shipment is free. Therefore with $22, you can resolve the litter box and litter situation. I would say it is a few dollars more than normal.
I would spend to buy my litter at the local store every week. But I do not have to clean the litter box, and cats have a better litter box experience.
Who is this for? I assume that this type of subscription can fit people who have a busy schedule and do not want to spend too much time cleaning the litter box. It is also a nice program to make the house look better with a litter box and enjoyable for cats.
If there are more cats in the house, you have to order more boxes. But if you order 3 boxes per month, you will get a nice discount and economize a lot!
Here some related questions and related answers you may find useful:
- Is Kitty Poo club worth?
It is worth it because of time-saving because it brings joy into the house, and cats like to use the litter box; for them, it is like a toy since cats love boxes. In my view, disposing of the litter box and litter in a few seconds is already worth in terms of time-saving. I used to clean the litter box every week!
In terms of odor control, if you are familiar with those types of litters, I may say that after 2 or 3 weeks, you can start smelling some odor. I suggest getting an extra bag of litter to use in case of emergency.
- How do you get rid of Kitty Poo clubs?
When it is time to replace the litter box, close the old one, and dispose of it with the rest of the garbage at the end of the month. It is as simple as that.
- Is Silica Cat Litter safe?
There is an advantage in using silica litter. It absorbs odors and cat urine better than normal clumping litter. The high absorption rate helps to keep under control bacteria growth.
- Is there a discount or Kitty Poo Club Coupon ?
Yes, there is a Kitty Poo Club Coupon that let you economize 15% at your first order.
- What is the Kitty Poo Club Fine Grain litter?
It is a type of litter made of silica with smaller grains. It resembles a silica powder; it is really comfy for cats’ paws. I always believed that my cats would not like the standard silica litter due to the bigger grain; they have to stand on it with their full weight; it may be hurting some cats. Therefore fine grain litter is an alternative for your cat.
- Can I stop the subscription at any moment?
Yes, you can stop the subscription at any moment; there is no minimum or maximum amount of time. You can also order one time and do not subscribe. In other words, you do not have to get into any commitment.
- Do I still have to scoop?
Yes, you have to remove poop and the bad litter daily. It is a daily activity that takes a few minutes. Like you normally would do. This action can’t be avoided, unfortunately.
Kitty Poo Club is a creative way to deal with litter boxes. We have to give them credit for this. They came up with a brilliant program for cats owner, which is coming from their own troubles in dealing with their cats.
Here you go. Let me know what you think about it, leave it in the comments below!

Got to know a lot from this!
Everything was so relatable.
Thank you for sharing!
Thanks a lot!
You are welcome!