How long can indoor cats be left alone? Possibly this is the most asked question from cats owners and soon-to-be cats owners. Owning a cat is a huge responsibility. Cats are living beings and cannot be disposed of after a while. However, sometimes one has to leave, and it is necessary to know how long their cats can be alone.
Typically cats can be alone for one or two days without too many problems, and sometimes it is possible to stretch it up to three days with the necessary setup. With proper food, water supply, and clean litter, cats can do well without human intervention for a couple of days.
Cats owners can do a lot to make their cats comfortable while away. Not only for their physical needs but also to compensate for the lack of affection during their time alone.

So, how long can indoor cats be left alone? Cats are independent and do not need a lot of attention. Once you provide food, water, and clean litter, they are good to go. But, cats are not objects. They need affection and care like any other pet.
In my experience, it is possible to leave a cat alone for two days with a good set up causing no harm. But, sure, your cat will be mad at you for some time, and he or she will not be happy during the time spent alone at home.
Two days is still a long time for cats to stay completely alone at home without any human supervision or anyone passing by to check if everything is fine and provide new food and clean water. However, three days without company and fresh food and water are too much unless you have a water fountain set up and pet feeders in place.
In that case, you should have more than one litter box or set up an automatic litter that can function for three days with no intervention. Ultimately, there is also the psychological aspect (if we want to call it that way) to consider. Do you know how your cat behaves when left alone?
When you leave your cat home alone, you want to have some tools and products that can help your cat get all his needs covered. For example, you may want to get:
- A water fountain with a good filter and high capacity
- Automatic feeder ( for dry and wet food)
- Automatic litter box
- Sensor lights or LED lights to keep switched on
Here are some ideas:

Cats can feel lonely even when you are at home; figure out what happens when you go away for work or leave for days. If you observe them carefully, you will see that they need love every day. They come to you to get scratches, pets, cuddle, and even sleep on you or next to you to feel safe.
Most cats indeed come to you “on-demand”; they want to keep their independence, but it doesn’t mean they do not have feelings. Although their snob attitude, cats are very sensitive to moods, changes in routines, and many other things.
When their owner is at work or left home for many hours, cats can feel bad, insecure, and experience fear. Therefore, cats owners should make sure their cats continue eating when they are not there and be aware of any hostile or aggressive behavior that can put them in danger when alone.
In addition, cats are affectionate to their owners or a specific person. They expect them to appear every day and be with them. In addition, cats are devoted to their owners or a particular person. They expect them to appear every day and be with them.
But, of course, they do not understand why someone has to go away. So when their human is not showing up, they feel something is wrong. But, of course, they do not understand why someone has to go away.
You cannot leave your cat home alone for a week. If by alone is meant that no one will supervise your cats or come to change water or food. It is different if someone regularly goes to your home to watch your cats, clean them, give water and food, and make sure they are doing OK.
Even if you leave a lot of food and water around the house and have plenty of litter boxes set up, leaving a pet alone is still too dangerous. Anything can happen. He can accidentally hit the water ball and throw all the content on the floor. He can get injured, etc.
The only way to leave a cat alone for a week is to have someone coming to the house every day or every other day. The person could make sure everything is fine and spend a little time with the cats to make sure they have some affection and human interaction.
You can leave your cat with a sitter for extended periods if you leave for a holiday or as long as you need throughout the day. However, the best solution is to make the cat sitter meet your cat long before you need to leave so that they can become friends. Especially if you have a shy cat that hides anytime a new person enters the house.
Typically, a cat will miss you when you go away, even if there is a cat sitter that he is accustomed to. For example, once I went away for three weeks, my roommate looked over my cat. My cat was comfortable with that person; however, I was told that my cat would vocalize a lot and used to go around the house searching for me.
My cat was definitively fine during my absence, which was the first and the longest time I was away from him. He got his food, water, litter, and attention each day. But, he wasn’t feeling like the happiest cat on the planet.
Unless you work from home, you have to leave your cat at home for at least part of the day. In addition, you may have to go on vacation or because of work reasons. Here are five pieces of advice to properly set up your cat to spend some time alone.
Before leaving your cat at home alone, make sure your house is safe for him. Hide any hanging cables, and remove any dangerous object that can injure your cat. Cats can jump in unbelievable places. You may want to secure anything that can fall on the ground and break. Your cat’s paws can get injured if they walk over broken glasses or similar.
Make sure there are always some lights switched on, even at night. You can buy small lights that activate automatically when they detect movements or similar solutions. Your cat should not remain in complete darkness at night. Cats can see well in the dark, but it needs to be at least a tiny source of light. Otherwise, they can get injured.
Remove all plants from your cat reach to prevent him from chewing them or destroying them while you are away.
Make sure there are plenty of toys around the house for your cat to enjoy his day, even when alone. You can provide him with any kind of balls, toys, cat tunnels, cat trees, cat houses, etc. If your cat has a favorite toy, buy more of them to place in different rooms.
Ensure he has clean water, plenty of food, and enough clean litter. Estimate how much food needs to be left out based on how long you will be gone. It seems useless to say, but it is easy to forget to fill up the water ball or set up enough food in the rush of things.
If a pet sitter is coming to take care of the cats, there needs to be clear instructions and enough cat food to use. In addition, water needs to be always clean. Therefore someone should come every 24-48 to provide clean water for the cats.
It is now possible to get help from modern devices, such as cameras, to watch and talk to your cat. So he can hear your voice a couple of times a day, and you can see if he is doing fine or not. You can even call your cat through the camera and automatically release some treats.
You can take advantage of water fountains, automatic feeders, and litter boxes. In addition, there are enough inventions to allow a person to track and monitor a pet from a long distance. I used to leave the TV on when I went to work or leave for several hours because it is typically on when I am at home.
In this way, they do not feel too much the difference and have some company
If your cat is alone often and if you have to leave for work several times, you can consider getting a second cat so they can help each other when they are alone. Cats can play with each other and find ways to spend the day together. It is an excellent solution to help cats feel less lonely.
Can I leave my indoor cat alone for 3 days?
You can leave your indoor cat alone for three days providing you are preparing them properly with enough food, water, and litter. In addition, your house needs to be secure so that your cat is not getting injured by accident. Finally, it is always good to have someone coming to your home at least once to supervise and assist your cats.
Can you leave a cat alone for 8 hours a day?
Yes, you can leave your cat alone for 8 hours a day. However, cats may become bored or develop behavioral problems if they are always left alone. The best is to get a cat friend or give them a lot of attention when you are at home. You can also make sure your environment is enriched enough for your cat to stay occupied throughout the day.
Is it OK to leave a cat alone for 5 days?
It is not OK to leave a cat alone for five days unless someone comes home to supervise and take care of him, at least any other day or every day. Cats can stay alone for one or two days unsupervised. To leave them alone any longer is dangerous.
Can I leave my cat alone for 48 hours?
Yes, you can leave your cat alone for 48, providing you have prepared the environment accordingly, which means enough water, food, and litter. In addition, your cat may have additional needs that need to be cared for as well.
Is it a bad idea to get a cat if you work long hours?
It is not a bad idea to get a cat if you work long hours, but it is even better if you get two cats, so they can keep each other company when you are away. Cats still need attention, and if you are working a lot, two pets are better than one.
Good information but still I will try not to leave my cat alone at home.