Why does my cat sleep under the covers? If you have a cat, you may have observed your cat digging on your covers and try to go underneath. Sometimes they hide so well that you may even sit on them if you do not pay attention. But why the obsession with sleeping under the covers?
Cats sleep under the cover because they feel safe and smell your scent. Cats love dark, small, and hidden places. They are also doing it because they feel warm. In some cases, they like to play digging and sneaking undercover, or when they feel sick and try to hide under a blanket.
Let’s see why cats sleep under the covers and what does it mean.

Some cats like to sleep under the blankets and covers, some other cats do not like it, and some other like it from time to time, although we can say that cats, in general, like to hide in small and dark places.
As a matter of fact, one of my cats likes to dig on the covers and find a way to sneak under it so she can sleep there. My other cat has never gone under a cover or blanket but likes to sleep on it.
He would rather hide in the cupboard on in other hidden small places. Therefore, it depends on the cat’s personality. Just because your cat is a cat, it doesn’t mean that he will go under the covers especially, if the cat is not a cuddler.
Based on my observation, cats with a more affectionate personality like to go under the covers, especially if it means being near their favorite person.
Those cats who like to sleep under the covers do it for various reasons. They have not become humans suddenly, and they do not follow their owner’s example of good sleeping habits.
Cats consider sleeping under the covers for the following reasons:
You may have observed your cat sleeping under the covers at nights or during winter, while in summer, preferring other places. If your cat sleeps under the covers when it is cold in general, your cat is just looking for a warm place.
It is not a secret that cats like to stay warm and that in winter, you can see them sleeping or sitting near the radiator. Cats love places that generate heat. So a nice, soft, and warm blanket is all that they can hope for.
Cats are famous for hiding in the weirdest and unusual places. You can find them try to fit into the tiniest little crack. It is one of the funniest things about cats. However, they do it because they feel safe in small places that predators can’t reach easily.
Covers are great things to use to blend in and become invisible. I can tell you that I have sat on my bed more than once, not realizing my cat was under the covers, and almost transform my cat into a meatball.
Cats are brilliant when it comes to hiding, and covers are percent.
When sleeping, cats like to be in the dark. Most cats like to sleep in cupboards, boxes, putting their paws over their eyes at times and under a blanket. A dark place makes them feel secure and relaxed when they sleep.
Dark places are perfect for cats wanting to rest and sleep in peace.
Here are some ideas of cats caves if your cat likes to sleep under the covers:

There is nothing better for a cat than sneak under the blanket and attack your feet or hands. Cats like to play, and they may hide temporarily under a blanket or a cover and wait patiently to jump out and scare you or another cat.
Cats like to play, and this is another reason for them to hide under a blanket.
When cats are scared, they will find places to hide temporarily and not be seen. Hiding under a blanket can be a good idea for them. Maybe a stranger came home, or a sudden sound scared them.
Hiding under a cover or a blanket can be a temporary safe place for them. A cat can sometimes feel anxious if there is a routine change or even a new smell. Those are good reasons for your kitty to hide.
When cats are sick, they tend to hide. My cat, for example, hides in the cupboard or under the bed. It is how I know he is not feeling well, or something is wrong. Likewise, cats may try to hide under the covers when they do not feel well.
It is a possibility, especially when they do not use to do it. If your cat suddenly goes under the blankets, you may suspect that something is wrong.
Under the covers, cats can smell your scent, which makes them feel secure and near the person they love. They consider it a safe place even when you are not there. Your scent makes the bed a safe and familiar place for your cat.
If they want to feel comfy, they sure go under the covers where they can feel near you.
What about the situation in which your cat doesn’t like to sleep under the covers? Maybe your kitty is not a snuggler and doesn’t like to be too close to someone, especially under the covers.
Well, you have to build trust with your cat first. If you get your cat to the point where he trusts you to pet him and sleep next to you, you may also get him to the point of sleeping under the covers with you.
You can do this with daily sessions where you spend some time with your cat, maybe using some treats, and while he eats, you can pet him until he gets used. You will need to be patient and allow him to go away and come to you when he feels like during the day.
You may try to lure him on your bed with some treats and build the relationship until he stays.
Some cats will never sleep with the owner, or if they do, they sleep on the bed corner or in the same room. In some cases, this is as much as you will be able to get. Not all cats will become cuddlers.
Is it safe to let my cat sleep under the covers?
It is safe to let cats sleep under the covers because cats can breathe even under them. They do not consume a lot of oxygen while sleeping. Cats would go away if they feel they are in danger. Cats owners need to pay attention not to sit or lay on their cats if they have the habit of sneaking under the covers.
Do cats like being wrapped in blankets?
Not all cats like to be wrapped in blankets. Some may like it. Some others are more sensible and can complain if you wrap something around them. You have to figure out your cat’s personality and if they will be comfortable with it.
Can cats suffocate under covers?
Cats do not suffocate under the covers. This is because they can use little oxygen when they sleep. If they were not able to breathe, they would come out immediately.