Why does my cat run ahead of me? Has it ever happened to you that your cat follows you as soon as you stand up and races ahead with the risk of creating an accident?
Cats run ahead of you because they want you to follow them, see you moving in a direction, and run ahead to direct you to their desired destination, usually food, or they want to be let out, or similar.
Let’s know more about cats running ahead of their owners and what we can do about it.

It may have seemed to you that your cat has the purpose of making you trip or fall on the floor, and that is why he keeps putting himself between you and your destination. But this is not the case. Instead, the poor cat saw you moving and decided this was an excellent opportunity for him to guide your path.
Your cat is behaving like a dog in this case. He is trying to sneak between your leg to get ahead. Sometimes, however, they often miss the target and end up kicked or stepped upon.
Cats, unfortunately, think that they can fit in the smallest places. So when they see space between your legs, they try to get into it but don’t realize that they can’t fit through it before moving to the next step and ending up injured.
You can see an example of this theory when your cat is sitting next to you, and you decide to stand up; as soon as he sees that you move, he is already jumping up and going ahead, leading the way.
My cat sometimes waits under the bed, and as soon as I move, he starts running toward the kitchen, talking in his funny way. At least my cat makes himself visible by chatting while he does it, so there are fewer chances I will step on him, but it has happened many times anyway.
Besides the normal behavior of guiding you someplace, most commonly to the food bowl or the place where the treats are, cats may also try to play with you.
Why does my cat run ahead of me, and why he tries to trip me in the attempt?
Younger cats may attempt to chase your feet when you walk. They are trying to play around; they may jump on your leg and try to bite or go for the foot and bite that one.
Since kittens are usually doing it, the biting is not that hard. It may just tickle you, try to play with the kitten, or give them another target to bite. Kittens are usually easy to redirect to some other targets. They chew on anything, make a ball roll, and you will see they will follow it.
If your cat is grown up and still tries to use your feet to play with, you may have a problem because your cat may not realize that it is painful for you. In this case, you may try to find an alternative toy for him to spend time with.
Again it is a behavior typical of a young cat. Kittens like to hide behind a corner and ambush you as soon as you pass by, cats are specialists at this, and usually, they are playing.
They are not doing it to harm you. They would swipe at you, mainly your legs, jump at you, and then run away to hide on another corned.
My cat used to do this a lot, we even played chasing each other, and I would hide behind a corner, knowing that he would wait for me at the other side of the corner and jump at me. So I would wait for him to come close before turning the corner, and when he would jump on me, I would pick him up mid-air. But, of course, he did not expect it.
When he grew up, he didn’t do that to me anymore. So we play running with each other. In some rare instances, if they are mad or feel threatened, they may swipe at you to let you know they don’t like whatever is happening.
Cats can be pretty mischievous when they are in a playful mood. They like to play “seek and hide” with people.
I am a living example of this since my cat and I play seek and hide often. When he is in a playful mood, I start running, and he runs behind me to try to get me; then, I turn and start chasing him. He usually goes and hides somewhere silly, like behind a pillow.
Somehow he thinks I can’t see him.
So cats do follow you and then run away. Usually, they follow you, poke you, and then run away, expecting you to follow them. When they act like this, they typically do not want to harm you; they want a playmate.
Here are some useful cat toys for your cat to use instead of your feet:
Table could not be displayed.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
Why do cats want you to walk them to their food?
Some cats want you to walk them to their food because the bowl is empty or the food is old, or it is just a built-in habit that they have to eat when you are there.
Some cats require special eating treatment; you have to be with them when they eat or at least make sure there aren’t weird movements around while he is eating. Cats want to feel secure, especially when they are eating. Therefore they want you to follow them and bring them up to the food.
How to get a cat to stop walking in front of you?
Making your cat stop walking in front of you is a challenging habit. However, you can try training your cat, knowing that he will get between and under your feet. For example, when he does it on purpose, stop and tell him “NO” each time he tries to do it.
There is no need to scream. He may learn if you show your cat enough times that he should not do it. There are ways to train a cat.
Why does my cat swipe at me when I pet him?
Sometimes cats are not in the mood for petting, and they might swipe at you; there are moments when your cat wants to be alone and doesn’t like to be touched.
If you try petting your cat when he is in such a mood, he may try to swipe at you. If you want to get him more willing to be touched, give him some treats, and when he eats, pet him; he will get more used to your petting.
Why do cats swipe at each other?
Typically cats swipe at each other to play. They like to run behind each other back and forth. If they swipe at each other is because they are playing. If they start growling and hissing, they may be fighting.
Why does my cat try to trip me on the stairs?
Your cat tries to trip you on the stairs because he is trying to get in front of you and lead the way. Sometimes he might want to play or chase you and accidentally gets in the middle of your feet.
Why does my cat run in front of me and roll over?
Your cat might run in front of you and roll over because he wants to get your attention and love; possibly, he wants you to scratch his belly or pet him.