Cats Talking to Each Other


Do cats talk to each other? We know that cats developed a way to talk to humans by vocalizing. However, cats do not meow to each other a lot when they want to talk to each other; typically, they have different ways to get their messages across.

Cats talk to each other by using their bodies to send signals to other cats, vocalizing (hissing, purring, using their scent to mark territory, using their tails to send messages, rubbing themselves against other cats, and licking and grooming other cats.

Let’s see all the ways cats uses to communicate with each other.

Do cats talk to each other?


Cats talk to each other by meowing in part. Most of the mewing is done toward humans and to make cat owners understand things like:

  • I am hungry
  • Pet me
  • Open the door
  • Let me how
  • Complain if you touch them
  • They are upset
  • They want to play
  • They want to say hello

Although cats use sounds with other cats, such as trills, yowls, hisses, growls, and snarls, their talking skills become better and better just because of their interaction with humans.

Mom cats used to purr and make sounds to communicate with the kittens and make them behave. Cats fighting over territory or the right to mate with another cat might yowl and hiss at other cats.

But the most extensive repertoire is reserved for humans.


Cats are just wonderful little furballs, aren’t they? Both cat lovers and cat owners can agree that a cat can make your day just by licking your hand or staring at you from across the room without blinking. Cats talk to you sometimes, for food, water or to cuddle, and more! 

Cats may talk to you, but have you ever wondered if cats chit-chat and talk smack amongst themselves? The good and bad news is, they do! 

Cats communicate with each other by utilizing other methods than linguistics, such as: 

  1. Vocalization: Meows of Different Pitches, Hissing, Purring, etc., 
  2. Physical Social Cues: Changes In Posture; from cuddling to asserting dominance. 
  3. Chemical Messaging: dispersing pheromones to imply readiness for certain activities. 
  4. Tail movements
  5. Physical contact

Furthermore, a regular “meow” can be considered a greeting among felines. We’re deciphered this by simply observing how cats behave with their friends. 

Cats completely understand what each other means by certain pitches and social cues established consistently, even without the appropriate resources or capacity to formulate an advanced language. 

They speak with you and amongst themselves as a vast majority of domestic animals do! So the next time you see cats talking, you know some of the primary reasons they would do so… Or they’re just talking about you and are planning a pantry raid. Cats are amazing!


In comparison to their canine counterparts, they are far more subtle and calculate with the ways in which they express emotions and communicate.

Cats are often silent creatures who purr if they’re happy and meow occasionally in healthy living conditions. On the other hand, dogs may bark and be loud quite a bit regardless of their emotions.

We cannot compare the volume the animal expresses themselves to understand whether or not cats communicate. They do, just not in the same ways. 

Dogs will bark and run around quickly or attack one another if need be. For example, a cat may begin to hiss and then slowly approach the target before a fight breaks out. 


It should be noted that cats are not often vocal when it comes to communicating. When cats talk to each other, it’s not always good.

For example, Cat A could be warning Cat B that there will be a catfight if Cat B gets any closer! Maybe they’re fighting over food or who is who’s sleeping area! 

Cat A could also merely be demonstrating/expressing its distaste for Cat B. Hissing and meowing in a pitch that irks the ears is usually a key indicator of this.  

As for cats being loud and hissing, there’s a fight about to break loose unless the cats in question are friends. But then, we may never know for what reason, but there will be a fight. 

Cats do not demonstrate this behavior unless they feel angry, unsafe, or need to assert their dominance and protect what is theirs. So, in sum, it’s not good! 

Though, there is an alternative to this that might be even more concerning for owners. If the cats in question are male and female, they might be meowing louder than usual to vocalize the desire to mate. 

If you don’t want a bunch of baby cats after reading this article, perhaps look into whether or not your cats have been spayed if that is not a desirable outcome for your household’s lifestyle. 


Cats can flirt with each other, and you can see it from the fact that they rub their head against each other, groom each other, hook their tails together, sleep together, and like to be close to each other.

One cat can be the one showing more attention to the other cat. Some cats are more affectionate than others, depending on the cat’s personality, and at times, females send flirting signals, such as an arched back and soft meows.


In the case of two cats fighting over something or a cat being the dominating character, the other cats will show signs of submission, mainly using body language to send signals to the opponent.

For example, a cat submitting to another cat can flatter the ears, tuck the tail between the legs, crouch, hide, and look away.


Why do cats yowl at each other?

Cats yowl at each other because they fight over territory or mating with a female cat. When cats are yowling, they want to intimidate the other cat and make him go away and surrender.

How do cats communicate with their kittens?

Cats communicate with kittens by meowing. Meowing is mainly used by mother cats when communicating with kittens and not so much between adult cats. For example, the mother cat will meow and chirp to collect her kittens or tell them it is time to eat.

Do cats comfort each other?

Cats comfort each other and create a bond by grooming other cats, sleeping together, and in general by staying close together. In addition, cats show affection to other cats through their willingness to be together in many aspects of their life.

Why do cats meow at each other before fighting?

Cats meow at each other before fighting because they want to scare off the other cat and assert their dominance. So they try to warn the other feline that this is not their territory and that it is time to go away.

How do feral cats communicate?

Feral cats communicate through scent, by marking the territory, rubbing against surfaces, body language, and other means. Meowing is done mainly by indoor cats to interact with humans.

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