Do cats eat mosquitos? If you have a cat, you know that no mosquito is safe in a house patrolled by a cat. This is because cats can see and sense the presence of mosquitos even when they are flying very high or hiding in the tiniest cracks.

Cats can and will try to eat a mosquito after hunting them down. Cats tend to put mosquitoes in their mouth and eat them as soon as they catch them. Mosquitos can carry diseases, but in general, a cat’s digestive system can nullify any harmful effect. Mosquitoes are dangerous when they bite cats.

Let’s see what danger a mosquito can represent for a cat and what a cat owner can do to keep their cats safe.

Do cats eat mosquitos


In my experience with my own cats, they used to catch anything that moves, including mosquitos, flies, spiders, bugs, cockroaches, and anything that has gotten the thought to come into their territory. Typically, cats would hunt bigger insects, but mosquitos are a good target too.

Mosquitos tend to be smaller and less visible, and not all cats would hunt them if they got lazy. But most cats would go after a moving insect, regardless. Mosquitos are very annoying to cats, also because they make a sound when they fly by.

Cats have it built in their DNA to hunt and go after moving animals, and they are very agile. Although some cats can have a lot of body mass, they are still moving very fast and jumping on their prey in the blink of an eye. Even though mosquitos can fly, they are not moving fast enough, and cats can catch them.


Cats eat mosquito bites because of their innate hunting instinct. Cats do not need the nutritional value given by a mosquito, which is really low. Cats hunt and eat mosquitos in the wake of their hunting process. Indoor cats have little or no other possibilities of entertainment or hunting.

Bugs and mosquitos are things that indoor cats can be excited about, allowing cats to show all their hunting abilities. It is not hunger or the fact that cats need to eat that drives cats to eat mosquitos.

It is hard to prevent cats from eating mosquitos or flies. I successfully took a fly out of my cat’s mouth only a few times because I was her in the act. But, no one can control his cat every hour of the day.

The only thing a cat owner can do is to lower the number of flies and mosquitos in the house by using windows screens and products that repel them, but at the same time, are not harmful to cats.


Suppose your cat eats a mosquito, something that can often happen, nothing to worry about. In general, cats have a digestive system that can nullify many harmful effects of anything ingested. However, mosquitos are dangerous when they bite a cat because they can transmit heartworms. But heartworms are not the only problem caused by mosquitos.

Cats can develop an immune system reaction to a mosquito bite and develop mosquito bite hypersensitivity. It means that a cat can have a massive response to a mosquito bite. As a result, cats can have irritations, ulcers, and lesions in the bite area, accompanied by hair loss.

In some cases, cats can have swollen pads on their paws and develop a fever. If a cat has mosquito bites hypersensitivity, the ver can prescribe medications to remedy the situation. But, as far as ingesting mosquitos, cats are not going to have problems from it.


The best course of action is to get a cat protected from mosquitos because they are annoying and can transmit diseases and health problems to a cat, even if cats have to scratch themselves when they get bitten by a mosquito.

Cats will always try to chase a mosquito or a bug and try to eat it, but the problem is not preventing a cat from eating a mosquito but instead preventing a mosquito from biting your cat. Cats are protected by the fur; however, mosquitos can still bite.

Here are some tips to keep your cats protected from mosquitos:


Mosquito nets are the best protection for cats. If a house has mosquito nets on each window and even the door, there are few chances for a cat to encounter a mosquito. In areas where there are mosquitos, especially in summer, mosquito nets are a must.

Here are some excellent mosquito nets to get:

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Mosquitos like dirt and umid places. Your cat can get attacked by a mosquito when he goes near the water bowl or the litter box, where mosquitoes like to fly by and search for cat poop. Keeping the litter box cleaned and changing the water for your cat will help to keep mosquitos away.

Various odorless products can be placed into anyone’s home that repels mosquitos. In addition, some products can be plugged into the electricity plug and will repel mosquitos to come into the room or house.

Here are some excellent mosquito repellents and traps:

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A wise course of action is to prevent heartworms with routine checks and preventive products. If you are unsure about which heartworm medicine to give your cat, you should ask the vet to advise you. Regular deworming can prevent any bad consequence from mosquito bites from developing into something serious.

Prevention heartworm products can be given to a cat monthly and can even be administered topically or orally.


Is it OK for cats to eat insects?

Typically, it is OK for cats to eat insects, even if it can create some side effects or stomach problems. This is because cats are made with a solid digestive system. However, it is not ideal for cats to eat insects because some can carry viruses and unfriendly bacteria. So, while cats can deal with it in most cases, it is better to keep insects away from the house as much as possible.

Should I let my cat hunt ants?

You should let your cat hunt ants. They are generally harmless. Some species of ants can be somewhat dangerous. It would help if you did research to see which ants are in your area. But, most commonly, there is no danger.

Also, because cats would hunt ants anyway, besides preventing them from coming into the house, there isn’t much you can do about it.

Can eating a bug make a cat sick?

In general, eating a but will not make a cat sick. However, it can create side effects, such as diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, and some drooling.

Can you spray mosquito repellent on cats?

In general, it is better not to spray anything onto your cat unless written explicitly on the label. In addition, you should find products that do not contain chemicals and elements that are toxic to cats.

It is better to use natural products if you have to use them on the cat fur. But, even natural products can be harmful to cats. Do your research first.

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