Do cats attack rabbits? Or can they get safely along with each other? Surely the behavior of a domestic cat toward rabbits can be very different from that of a stray cat.
Depending on the circumstances, cats and rabbits can be natural predators and prey. In some cases, cats may attack and harm rabbits, especially if the rabbits are small or vulnerable. However, this is not always the case; it depends on the individual cat’s personality.
Let’s figure out this bunny-cat relationship.

Cats in the wild may attack rabbits to feed themselves. In addition, stray cats may attack rabbits or chase them since cats are hunters. Domestic cats can also chase and attack rabbits, but they can also become friends.
There are more chances to make them become friends in an indoor environment. It is not uncommon to find households with cats and rabbits as friends playing with each other.
If you have both a cat and a rabbit as pets, it is important to supervise their interactions and provide a safe environment for both animals. In some cases, separating the cat and rabbit may be necessary to prevent harm to the rabbit.
It is also important to provide plenty of hiding spots, toys, and play areas for both animals to reduce stress and promote positive interactions. If you are concerned about your rabbit’s safety, it is best to consult with a veterinarian for advice on keeping both animals safe and healthy.
Cats are hunters, and thus cats attack rabbits. They go out and get onto other animals like birds, rabbits, mouses, and other such prey; they hunt even smaller things like scorpions, cockroaches, and so on.
Domestic cats might hunt because their instinct prompts them to run behind prey, not necessarily because they are hungry since you provide food for them.
If you have a cat that used to go out, he is for sure going after some other animals, and maybe he is even bringing you some “presents” in the form of some dead animals.
Cats are good hunters. In ancient times when they weren’t kept as pets, they were supposed to provide for themselves. Therefore cats are made to survive through hunting, which is how they developed their bodies and senses throughout the centuries.
If you have an indoor cat, he will probably not attack, but he could be aggressive or possessive of his territory.
If a cat is an outdoor cat, chances are he can be more inclined to hunt the house rabbit. In both cases, I would use caution in introducing them.
Here are some steps to help you introduce a rabbit pet to a cat:
- First, create a safe space: Before introducing the two animals, create a safe space for the rabbit to retreat to if needed, such as a safe room or pen.
- Gradual introduction: Gradually introduce the two animals by allowing them to smell each other through a closed door or barrier, gradually increasing the amount of time they spend together.
- Supervise interactions: Always supervise interactions between the cat and rabbit, especially during the initial stages of introduction, to prevent any harm or stress to either animal.
- Provide distractions: Provide plenty of toys and distractions, such as tunnels or chew toys, to help redirect any aggressive or predatory behavior.
- Allow them to establish their own relationship: Allowing the two animals to establish their own relationship and boundaries can help reduce stress and increase positive interactions.
- Seek professional help: If the two animals are not getting along, it may be necessary to seek professional help from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist.
It is important to remember that each animal is unique, and the introduction process may take time and patience. It is also essential to provide both animals with a safe and secure environment to reduce stress and promote positive interactions.
Here are some nice houses for a pet rabbit (to keep him safe):

Another vital thing to mention is that cats typically learn hunting skills from mother cats or other cats they have seen hunting. So if you had a kitten who has always been indoors, living with other cats and having a bunny as part of the family, the cat will probably not see the bunny as prey. Instead, they most likely are going to become playmates.

Honestly, if you have a pet cat and want to get a pet rabbit, the best solution is not to try to keep your cat away from a rabbit but to make them friends. But it is not always possible.
Here are a few ways to keep cats away from rabbits:
- Physical separation: Keep your rabbits and cats in separate rooms or cages to prevent them from interacting.
- Create a rabbit-only area: Designate a specific area of your home or yard as a safe space for your rabbits where cats are not allowed.
- Use repellents: Use natural cat repellents, such as lemon or vinegar, around your rabbit’s area.
- Provide distraction: Give your cat toys and other forms of entertainment to keep them occupied and away from your rabbits.
- Supervision: When your rabbits and cats are together, closely supervise them to ensure their safety.
The best for a rabbit would be a cat-proof hutch or cage. Your rabbit will have to stay inside the protected space and go out only if you have taken your cat to another room.
If you have a cat that lets you train him, you may attempt to teach your cat to leave your rabbit alone. Train him on a few commands, including the word “NO,” when you want him to stop doing something.
You must supervise all interactions and see your cat’s ideas about the new family member. For example, cats attack rabbits but know that rabbits may get protective and become aggressive. If you have outdoor rabbits, it is better to create enclosures around them that prevent other animals from reaching them.
Cats and rabbits can sometimes coexist peacefully, but it depends on the individual animals and their temperaments. For example, some cats may view rabbits as prey, while others may be indifferent to them.
Cats and rabbits can sometimes become friends and even groom each other.
Believe it or not, rabbits can be quite territorial with other animals once they feel comfortable in the environment. They can use their teeth and legs to hit and scare other animals off.
So if a bunny becomes confident, it may go after the house cat, especially if the house cat is shy and annoys him. Cats attack rabbits and rabbits may try to go after cats that they think are dangerous if they feel they can scare them off.
Cats may not like the rabbit’s personality. Since rabbits are more social and tend to go near others, cats often want to be by themself and decide when to reach out to others.
Aside from this, if you want a cat and a rabbit to get along with each other, you have to go by the gradient. However, if you are practical with introducing another cat to your first house cat, you probably have a good idea of introducing a rabbit.
Can they get along? Yes, here are some funny videos of cats and rabbits friends with each other:
If you are lucky, like the protagonist of this video, you have cats, and rabbits immediately become friends. But, unfortunately, it is not always like this.
Bunnies are hilarious and friendly. They are great pets. So if you want to get a bunny and you are concerned because you have a cat, know that you can eventually make it to get them to get along with each other.
Bonding a rabbit and a cat can be a gradual process that requires patience and proper supervision. However, here are some steps you can follow:
- Introduce them gradually: Start by keeping them in separate rooms, allowing them to smell each other through a closed door. Then, gradually allow them to spend more time near each other, supervising until they become comfortable.
- Provide a neutral territory: When first introducing them, it may be helpful to provide a neutral territory where neither animal feels territorial. For example, a neutral room, such as a bathroom, can help to minimize aggressive behavior.
- Use positive reinforcement: Reinforce positive interactions between the rabbit and cat with treats and praise. This can help to establish a positive association between them.
- Supervise their interactions: Always supervise the rabbit and cat when they are together, especially during the early bonding stages. Intervene if you see any aggressive behavior and separate them if necessary.
- Be patient: Bonding can take time; some rabbits and cats may never become close friends. However, if you are patient and follow these steps, you can increase the chances of a successful bond between your rabbit and cat.
If a cat bites a rabbit, it can be serious and potentially life-threatening for the rabbit. Bites can cause deep puncture wounds and infection, and rabbits are particularly susceptible to bacterial infections. Here’s what you should do if a cat bites a rabbit:
- Separate them immediately: Remove the cat from the rabbit to prevent further injury.
- Clean the wound: Clean the bite wound on the rabbit with mild soap and water, being careful not to cause additional pain or injury.
- Seek veterinary care: Take the rabbit to a veterinarian as soon as possible for a thorough examination and treatment. Rabbits are prone to infection, so prompt veterinary care is essential.
- Monitor the rabbit’s behavior: Observe the rabbit for signs of pain, swelling, or difficulty breathing, which could indicate a more serious injury.
- Prevention: In the future, supervise the rabbit and cat whenever they are together and separate them if necessary to prevent further incidents.
It’s important to take cat bites from rabbits seriously, as they can result in serious injury or even death if not treated promptly and appropriately.
Yes, cats can get sick from rabbits, but it is not very common. Cats can be exposed to diseases from rabbits if they come into contact with their saliva, urine, or feces. Some of the diseases that cats can catch from rabbits include:
- Tularemia: Also known as rabbit fever, tularemia is a bacterial infection that can be transmitted to cats from infected rabbits.
- E. coli: Escherichia coli is a bacteria that can cause digestive problems in cats. Cats can be exposed to E. coli if they come into contact with contaminated rabbit feces.
- Ringworm: Ringworm is a fungal infection that can be transmitted from rabbits to cats through direct contact with infected fur or skin.
To prevent your cat from getting sick from a rabbit, it’s essential to wash your hands thoroughly after handling your rabbit and keep your cat away from any areas where it has been.
Additionally, it’s a good idea to keep your rabbit’s living environment clean and free from feces and urine. If you suspect that your cat has become sick from a rabbit, take them to a veterinarian for a thorough examination and treatment.
Cats and bunnies are really an odd combination of personalities and odd friends. Rabbits are pretty intelligent and usually social. They like cuddles and interactions with others, but since they have a long history of being hunted, they are also scared and may not like to be held. In this, they are similar to cats.
Cats, on the other side, are intelligent and social only when they like and want, cuddling only on their terms; they are territorial and mischievous enough to swing at people when they turn a corner.
Bunnies may like to hop and play when cats like to be alone and sleep, but bunnies also have different personalities, as you have cats with different personalities.
Can a rabbit kill a cat?
Rabbits are generally not capable of killing a cat. However, in rare cases, a rabbit may bite or scratch a cat if they feel threatened or frightened.
In addition, a rabbit’s strong hind legs and sharp claws can cause injury to a cat if they defend themselvesIt’s essential to supervise interactions between cats and rabbits to ensure the safety of both animals.
Do cats kill rabbits?
Unfortunately, yes, cats attack rabbits and kill them, especially in the wild and with outdoor or feral cats. Cats, however, do not go specifically for rabbits if they are too big. Instead, they may go after baby rabbits.
So as much as we like to think that cats are cute and not going to hurt adorable bunnies, it is not what really happens in reality.
Can rabbits defend themselves against cats?
The poor little bunnies do not have so many fighting capabilities. They have their legs and teeth as a defense and their running speed. So bunnies try not to get into fights; they are scared, and as soon as they hear something, they run.
Cats, on the other side, are very agile. They have powerful claws and teeth that can hurt. If they were in a ring, there is not much doubt about which of the two will win.
Why is my rabbit chasing my cat?
Bunnies can be territorial, and if they see that a cat can be threatening, they can feel comfortable enough to discourage the cat from going after them, showing signs of aggression.
Do rabbits play with cat toys?
Your cat and rabbit may share the same toys; rabbits play like cats and dogs and may also chase balls and chew on things. Toys that your cat is using may be used by your bunny too.